Tuesday, 25 September 2018

self drive car


           Self  Drive Car

self drive is product of artificial intelligence it is use in our daily life self drive car mean driver less car in future we use self drive car this car is accident free car it stop global warming the self drive car need battery to move and transport. 

The fuel car will be band in future to travel because they pollute air pollution that why they will be band. human will travel in cars they make there own decision because we have senses while self drive car have no eyes but they have sensors, cameras, and many ultrasonic sensors. by help ultrasonic sound the send information to cars computer and after the make decision to where direction car move and how many speed the car move. here the computer is very fast from human mind they have very capacity. And they never be tired but human will be tired in driving. they will be monitor all sides but  human can't monitor to all sides.


self drive car

                                                     Self  Drive Car self drive is product of artificial intelligence it is use in our ...